Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Comic Boom Effect#2, illust.2


  1. EXCELLENT! The only issues I can see are the white in the bottom left is drawing attention away from the illustration. It might also be nice to see the bowl and the words "Mutton Stew" a little more. Try going bigger, maybe 2x or more and make the words fit the bowl a little better, like they are painted on it.

  2. I couldn't help but notice that you used the exact same background from your exercise piece. They still have the problems with the white space and the radial being a bit uneven still. Perhaps changing the color just a tad, the black merges with your sheep. It makes it look like one distorted piece.

  3. Perfecto! I love the Wha, it totally explains Wha! only thing bigging me is the white below thwe table. Maybe add a dog? or a bail of hay or something but i love it

  4. Awesome job.. white is distracing! but you knocked it out!
